It was quite a busy weekend for Team Semic Caribbean Limited. Our Lloyd’s/ASME certified welding crew was busy all day at the Chaguaramas Anchorage conducting repairs onboard an oil and gas tanker. The job was successfully completed late this afternoon. #teamsemic #marinerepairs
Semic Caribbean was at the Point Lisas Industrial Estate
Despite the inclement weather, storm warning and horrific traffic, Team Semic Caribbean was at the Point Lisas Industrial Estate servicing the needs of its Clients. Most of them requested emergency and communication equipment. #teamsemic #oilgasindustry #safet&t
Semic Caribbean Limited was at Chaguaramas (Friday 1st July 2022)
Team Semic Caribbean Limited was at Chaguaramas yesterday (Friday 1st July 2022) to deliver much needed supplies to its Client Oceaneering International. #teamsemic #oilandgasindustry